Summer time coding or playing on radios
So recently I designed myself a new antenna - because I got given a CNC for my birthday, I set out to design myself a new cage antenna to replace my 'long wire' in the garden. Mainly as an experiment, I have some old CAT5 cable which I separated out into individual strands, and then with designed spacers.
They turned out pretty nice, and when strung up in the garden it does look - well, nice. The colours of the cat5 are very rainbow. And so I we took this on the road - several evenings now, M7SIA and myself have been out and about, radio, battery, a pole and a bit of rope to tie the other end to trees. And instead of writing code, we're there in the middle of a field, just playing, chilling, chatting, and generally enjoying life.
Because I truly believe that radio is not about competitions or being better then other people. Its about bringing people together, its about bringing different people and remembering we're all human. Whats better then playing around on radios? Talking about playing on radios. And so yes, I chose to do that rather then write some code this week. And I come back refreshed and ready to knock out the new features.
Technology Choices - mid 2023
I think that sometimes small tech companies don't make a big deal about the technology that they use, and I think thats a shame - because one of the things that sets small companies apart from larger, floated companies is that they aren't restricted in the same way about making statements on things that they do and use.
Read MoreSummer time coding or playing on radios
As we enter the summer time, it can be a tough decision on whether we spend that time writing more code for the website, or play around on the radios.
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From a hobbiest family site, to a fully fledged service - how the first generation of the site came about.
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